If there is an overpayment on your account, you can use it to pay the next order. In addition, after logging in, it is possible to regulate the balance in the customer’s panel.
Can I get a discount on my order?
Products offered on the matterhorn-wholesale.com website are already at wholesale prices, but in the case of really big orders, discounts are allocated individually, for this purpose, contact us by e-mail (info@matterhorn-wholesale.com) or directly through our chat.
What are the payment methods?
Credit cards: Paypal: BANK TRANSFER Matterhorn Moda Sp z o.o., Katowicka 51 41-400 Mysłowice Poland SWIFT: INGBPLPW Bank name: ING Bank Śląski S.A. Account / IBAN: PLN PL80 1050 1243 1000 0090 8199 4544 EUR PL38 1050 1243 1000 0090 8209 6471 USD PL37 1050 1243 1000 0090 8209 6489 RON PL90 1050 1243 1000 […]